I have been down several rabbit holes looking for an answer for this.
I have a web application, written in AngularJS, that currently requires IE11 and the Acrobat plugin to digitally sign a PDF form. However, the plugin is garbage on IE11 and is not supported on modern browsers (which I define as Firefox, Chrome, and Edge. Safari will not be supported by my company.)
Because the application is AngularJS (and NOT running on Node), I need a javascript solution to sign the PDF. Not only that, but signature certificates are held on a smart card, meaning that I need a crypto library that can access the certs through some sort of PKCS#11 interface. In Javascript. Opening the forms externally in Acrobat is currently not acceptable to the customer.
I've looked at multiple libraries without being able to figure out a straight answer:
- PKI.js
- pkcs11.js
- hwcrypto.js
- graphene.js
None of these packages provide enough information to me to know whether to research them further.
Can anyone out there provide me further information or direction?